Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Caddy Shack Meets the Military.

The 1981 film Stripes staring characters like Bill Murray and John Candy is a good old fashion guy humor. Like the movie Caddy Shack. The plot is based around John and his chance to regain his life by joining the military to get himself on track. The platoons characters cover a gamut of personalities from all walks of life. In both films Bill's character was the comic relief to a normal everyday situation. Bill's role in Caddy Shack is more of a dumb free minded character while in Stripes his humor makes him more of an approachable leader in the platoon. The general humor used in both is the same but the way it is applied in Stripes seems to be a more sophisticated and composed like the Military.

1 comment:

Baron said...

i got this movie as a present a while ago and never watched it. after seeing your blog and those clips, it looks pretty funny and i may have to watch it.