This film incorporates a new perspective not told in history books about the battle of Iwo Jima and the Japanese soldiers. It is not all that surprising that Clint Eastwood would do a film like this of a war tragedy. But it is interesting that he didn't take the perspective of the " great American hero war story" type he portrayed an unwillingness by both the americans and Japanese soldiers who both did not want to fight and especially over a stupid island. He also has the element of family which seems to be prevalent in all his films. For example, the division between the General and his Family at home or all the husbands and wives. He really seems to have issues with wars and places a lot of significance on family and the peace between all of humanity in this film and i believe he does a good job of this by showing such atrocities that happened on Iwo Jima.
Once again this movie continues with Clint Eastwood's common themes of tragic violence and family problems. One of the things that seemed to be different with this movie is that the characters see no purpose for the fighting unlike the other films where there was always a reason the characters agreed with.
Yeah I though that was weird too that there is a war going on in this movie and the characters weren't as motivated to fight but in the other movies they were always ready and wanting to fight. I thought that one of the best scenes was when the Japs blow themselves up by hugging a grenade to commit suicide after they lost.
I thought that those scenes were very shocking, and that it was very stupid that they would all kill themselves without at least attempting to kill the enemy in the process. I think one of the messages of the movie was that everyone must work together in order to overcome great odds, because when the different generals started doing their own plans it ruined their overall strategy.
I think it was dumb that they would do that too, because they were talking about dying with honor but, blowing yourself up isn't an honorable way to dye, they could have done a suicide mission or something if they just wanted to kill themselves.
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